
Archive for the ‘Meme’ Category

Stephanie over at Striving for a Simple Life selected me as one of her picks for the Kreativ Blogger award. If you haven’t checked out her lovely blog, what are you waiting for? Hop on over! I’ll be here when you come back!

I’m supposed to list 7 things you don’t know about me, which shouldn’t be too hard since I’m a new blogger!

1. I met both my husband and my best real life friend on the internet.

2. This is not my first blog. I had a blog about local food a few years ago, but it never had a very active audience and it died when my daughter was born.

3. I recently re-read the entire Laura Ingalls Wilder library, and a few biographies of her. It’s a fascinating read as an adult – such a hard life!

4. I have stick-straight mousy brown hair, but both of my kids have crazy hair! My son has double cowlicks, double crowns, a widow’s peak on the left side of his foreheadand his hair grows naturally into a mohawk. (We keep it cut quite short!) My daughter has red ringlets that come out of at all angles, and a widow’s peak on the right side of her forehead. They’re both awfully cute, but for their privacy, I won’t be posting their photos.

5. I was the editor of the student newspaper in high school and made my own ‘zine, which I printed and mailed to teenagers around the country in my pre-internet days.

6. As a kid, we had an parrot named Wobbles as a pet.

7. I’ve never seen the Lord of the Rings series.

And I’ve selected these blogs to pass the award along to:

1. Consciously Frugal

2. My Year Without Spending

3. The Happy (Atheist) Homemaker

4. Sense to Save

5. Asaaan (and her AMAZING estate sale/thrift store deals!)

6. The Frugal Girl

7. Under $1,000 a Month

(Budget Confessions was tagged by Striving for a Simple Life, but there goes my honorary #8!

And I’m editing to add one more! I just stumbled upon Living on $1500 a month to save 100% for a house. Go root her on, too!)

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